Colour Review 

Sometimes we find that the colours we were given years ago during our consultation are not working for us any longer, somehow the colours are not as fresh and we start doubting about the way we look

This can happen to us if our hair colour changes either naturally or by dying it and when hair changes, it can mean that so has our palette. Over time our eyes can also soften so the strong clear colours we may once have worn, may now look better if they were a little more muted.

Confidence with colours

If you feel like your colours are not working for you as well as they once did, it is probably time for a colour review. After re-visiting your personal colours and identifying where the imbalance is happening, we may find that we just need to tweak your colours slightly or it may be that you have moved into a different palette altogether and we need to introduce you to a new set of colours with a new way to wear them. Please get in touch and let’s work together to give you back that confidence and sparkle when wearing your colours.

Cost: £125
Option to purchase a full or partial wallet if needed from £49.50/£59.50
Duration 1.5hr/2hrs

If any of my services would like to be held at the customers house, I would charge a flat rate of £20 for time and mileage.

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